STYLSMILE Whitening Boost Kit

Van het merk Stylpro

Er zijn helaas geen STYLSMILE Whitening Boost Kit aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Achieve the illusion of a brighter grin, with the STYLSMILE Whitening Boost Kit. The ingenious set helps you to maintain the appearance of luminosity, lessening the look of discolouration and stains. Packed with everything you need for 6 days of teeth whitening, the kit avoids any harsh, abrasive chemicals, allowing it to be kind and gentle towards your teeth. The convenient syringes contain a boost of PAP (Phthalimido-Peroxy-Caproic Acid) that works to target the look of dullness, encouraging a pearly-white gleam. Three different causes of tooth discolouration are focused on, allowing the teeth whitening kit to be precise and thorough. Super-fast, the kit gets to work in an impressive 15 minutes each day. Free from Peroxide and non-UV. Box Contents: LED Blue Light Accelerator with batteries Silicone Mouth Tray 3 x 3ml PAPtech™ Whitening Gel Syringes


Merk Stylpro
EAN 5060288331383