Nordisk Vimur Tent Zip Adapter Small - Tenten

Van het merk Nordisk

Er zijn helaas geen Nordisk Vimur Tent Zip Adapter Small - Tenten aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Nordisk's Vimur Tent Zip Adapter Small clevely extends your base camp, offering extra space for socialising, storage and more. The Vimur Zip Adapter Small can be used to connect the Midgard Annex Small to the rear side of your Vimur 4.8 Tent to allow you to tuck away all your bags and equipment, or to create a little sleeping quarters for your kids and their friends. The Vimur Zip Adapter consists of a zipper band - matching the counterparts on the Vimur 4.8 back side and the small Annex - and an overhanging roof that protects the zipper area from wet and stormy weather.


Merk Nordisk
EAN 5703384098643