Diego Dalla Palma Camouflage Face & Body Concealing Foundation (Various Shades) - 300N Pink

Van het merk Diego Dalla Palma

Er zijn helaas geen Diego Dalla Palma Camouflage Face & Body Concealing Foundation (Various Shades) - 300N Pink aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Create a flawless base with the Camouflage Face & Body Concealing Foundation from Diego Dalla Palma. Offering total coverage, this foundation is suitable for the face and body, helping you to cover anything – from skin imperfections to tattoos. The long-lasting formula has a creamy texture, gracing the skin with a perfect matte finish. Enriched with sebum absorbing agents, this foundation works to remove excess oil for a perfect matte base, while Vitamin E strives to keep skin nourished and hydrated. As if that wasn’t enough, it’s also 100% water-resistant, making it ideal for the holiday season, whether you’re on the beach or in the sauna. Oil-free. 100% water-resistant.


Merk Diego Dalla Palma
EAN 8017834870572