Natura Bissé Inhibit Set

Van het merk Natura Bisse

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Product omschrijving

As a pioneering luxury skincare brand, Natura Bissé delivers indulgent facial treatments that work to reduce the signs of ageing. Their revolutionary Inhibit set targets the neck and delicate eye area to promote a youthful and radiant complexion. Set Contents: Inhibit Retinol Eye Lift A luxurious eye cream to help replenish the look of your eye area. The lightweight formula assists with promoting a more lifted impression to your eyelids, helping discourage any signs of fatigue and ageing. Inhibit Tensolift Neck Cream Harnessing the plumping powers of lipids, the neck cream works to firm, hydrate and refine skin for a youthful-looking jawline and neck area.


Merk Natura Bisse
EAN 8435624502135