Alé PRS Storm Long Sleeve Jersey - Fietstruien

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Product omschrijving

Whether you're lucky enough to cycle in a milder winter climate or you're enjoying hard training in cool, but not freezing, spring and autumn conditions, the PRS Storm Long Sleeve Jersey maintains comfort whether pushing the pace or taking it a bit easier.  The closely woven Microsense textile provides a certain degree of wind resistance to keep off a chill. However, there's also enough air permeability for airflow to the body, making sure you're not overheating during more intense bouts of riding. Excellent breathability also prevents too much sweat from pooling on your skin.  Racing Fit The fit of the jersey is tailored to be close to the body and streamlined. This increases your cycling efficiency, saving precious energy for those last few kilometres of winter base rides.


Merk Ale
EAN 8055528378454