Castelli Insider Jersey - Fietstruien

Van het merk Castelli

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Product omschrijving

Incredibly effective. But incredibly sweaty. Indoor training and racing are great for focused fitness gains. However, the heat can be a challenge, even with a good electric fan. The Insider Jersey is Castelli’s answer to those unique demands of your pain cave. The first thing to notice is the lack of weight. Their lightest jersey ever, at just 86 grams, it’s designed to feel as if it’s almost not there. Next, a 3D mesh construction allows maximum airflow to your body, speeding up the cooling effect of sweat evaporation. It’s quick to wick away excess sweat too. This will prevent you from feeling drenched as your efforts swing from high-intensity efforts and rest periods. A full zipper also makes it easy to take your jersey off should you really be generating too much heat during your workout. With its HEIQ Fresh Tech silver-free odour control treatment, you can be sure even the toughest of training sessions won’t leave a nasty smell. There are also 2 rear pockets, handy space to stash a gel or two and a music player. And for a scorching summer day, it can be sued as an outdoor jersey (just don’t forget the sun cream).


Merk Castelli
EAN 8050949732137