MET Codatronca Helmet - Helmen

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Er zijn helaas geen MET Codatronca Helmet - Helmen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Go with the Flow As we all know and can feel, wind resistance is the major factor to overcome when cycling at speed. And so it makes sense to do all you can to lessen the effect when racing against the clock. The Codatronca Helmet smooths airflow thanks to the carefully engineered wide-body design and short tail. The shoulders are an area that can cause considerable turbulence leading to increased drag. To lessen this drag MET has designed the Codatronca with a wide frontal area that guides airflow smoothly across this key area. The short tail design has also been engineered so you can move your head freely and still enjoy smooth airflow. The helmet remains efficiently aerodynamic from all angles of attack. Lastly, the large Dual Sheild lens integrates into the smooth design, minimising disruption to airflow and allowing for a clear view even when adopting more aggressive positions on your Tri-bars. And because it's magnetically attached, it's easy to remove and clip into the 'recovery' position as you're easing down after your effort. Cool and Easy to Use Of course, riding fast can generate considerable body heat but three air vents, carefully placed in areas of high-pressure airflow, creates an excellent level of cooling inside the helmet all without adversely affecting drag.  In terms of fit, the Codatronca benefits from the MET Safe-T Orbital fit system, this easily adjustable system provides 360° of adjustment, three vertical and two occipital adjustments, making dialling the fit of your aero helmet remarkably easy. The Fidlock® magnetic buckle system makes fastening quick and easy too. And for triathletes, in particular, it will give you an edge when it comes to rapid transition times. 


Merk Met
EAN 8015190282107