Alé Women's Artika Cycling Jersey - Fietstruien

Van het merk Ale

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Product omschrijving

The Artika Cycling Jersey has been made to excel when you're cycling on the hottest of days, those days when simply stepping outside feels like stepping into a furnace and even the tarmac begins to get sticky.  Its key weapon in fighting heat is the use of NILIT® Breeze fabric technology. With a cotton-like cross-section and special polymer, it's incredibly quick to transfer heat away from the body, creating a cooling ventilation effect on both skin and garment.  Complementing NILIT® Breeze is Ale's own Skin 120 material. Both incredibly light and incredibly breathable, it prevents sweat from hanging around too long. Its bi-elastic structure also gives a brilliantly flexible fit, adhering to the body but allowing you to move with ease.  This is a jersey where you can concentrate on hitting your watts and not wilting under the sun.


Merk Ale
EAN 8055528411410