Jack Wolfskin Women's Stormy Point Waterproof Jacket - Jassen

Van het merk Jack Wolfskin

Er zijn helaas geen Jack Wolfskin Women's Stormy Point Waterproof Jacket - Jassen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Jack Wolfskin Women's Stormy Point Waterproof Jacket has been designed with the keen adventurer in mind. Made with TEXAPORE fabric, it is waterproof and windproof, all the while remaining lightweight, durable, and breathable. A hood and adjustable hem also provide extra protection in keeping the excess cold or water out, and three handy pockets lend ample space for easy-reach trail essentials. Plus, the jacket is PFC-free Bluesign® and Green Button certified, and has been made with an eco-dyed mesh lining, limiting the harmful effects of production on the planet we love to explore.


Merk Jack Wolfskin
EAN 4064993642100