Castelli Women's Anima LS 4 Jersey - Fietstruien

Van het merk Castelli

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Product omschrijving

A stylish solid-block colour cycling jersey, the Women's Anima Long Sleeve 4 Jersey is made for those of you who prefer the sun protection of long sleeves rather than slapping on sun cream. The lightweight Italian-made fabric, ProSecco Velo Donna has UPF45, filtering out nearly 98% of harmful UV rays.  It also feels wonderful to wear and has the quick-wicking and breathable performance needed to keep you comfortable when pushing on the pedals. The details also set this jersey apart from its entry-level rivals. Raised stitching details and discrete logos that offer visual appeal, an easy sliding zipper for easy ventilation control and reflective details that make you easy to spot as long summer evenings fade.


Merk Castelli
EAN 8050949875681