Endura Women's FS260 Short Sleeve Cycling Jersey - Fietstruien

Van het merk Endura

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Product omschrijving

Jump on the saddle and get up to speed and the technical fabrics of the Women's FS260 Short Sleeve Cycling Jersey come into their own. The knit recycled polyester is brilliant at dealing rapidly with sweat, drawing it away from your skin before you feel too damp and clammy. A full-length front zip also keeps you fully in control of ventilation and temperature regulation. This performance jersey gets Endura’s Athletic cut. This provides a closer-to-the-body fit than standard, ensuring you’re not wasting watts battling flapping fabric. Lycra sleeves hug the arm closely giving optimal aerodynamic efficiency while maintaining impressive flexibility for unrestricted movement.


Merk Endura
EAN 5056286950626