VonZipper Cleaver Mossy Goggle violet

Van het merk Vonzipper

Er zijn helaas geen VonZipper Cleaver Mossy Goggle violet aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

COMFORT AND PERFORMANCE - THE CLEAVER GOGGLEThe Cleaver goggle from VonZipper combines the best protection with the most modern design. VonZipper's goggle technology features 100 % UV protection, anti-fog coating, helmet compatibility and fleece lining. FIre Chrome Lens Designed by VonZipper, the WILDLIFE lens has a contrast-enhancing filter that dramatically improves your ability to see contours in all lighting conditions, giving you maximum sharpness and clarity like you've never experienced before. The Wildlife Fire Chrome lens is suitable for poor visibility as well as blue skies.Transmittance of visible light: 24 % FeaturesMicrofibre bag with two compartmentsDouble adjustable strapErgonomic frame designHelmet-compatibleMaximum peripheral visionThermo-polyurethane injection moulded frameFrame and lens ventilationExtended peripheral vision


Merk Vonzipper
EAN 821299168628