Ragley Marley 275 Hardtail Frame Red / Black 2023 - Red/Black

Van het merk Ragley Bikes

Er zijn helaas geen Ragley Marley 275 Hardtail Frame Red / Black 2023 - Red/Black aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The new generation of Marley, our alloy 27.5'' Trail bike. The Marley is now a classic in our range, light, punchy and versatile. A bike designed for the all-round rider with one love for all trails and doesn't break the bank. With hardtails being pushed harder and faster than ever before we have tweaked the trusted Ragley recipe for modern tastes. Our bikes have always been at the forefront of fun versatile hardtails and with a sprinkle of love with the same Ragley ingredients the Marley has evolved further into the hardtail Trail bike of choice.


Merk Ragley Bikes
EAN 5056389464600