Jones Snowboards Mtn Surf Rec Jas blauw

Van het merk Jones Snowboards

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Product omschrijving

High quality parka from the Jones Mountain Surf collection . The Mountain Surf Jacket features a relaxed fit and a high-performance, body-hugging fabric that uses two unique 100 % recycled polyester materials. The hood and arms are made from tough, waterproof 2L 20K fabric, while the torso, where temperature regulation is crucial, is made from breathable 2L four-way stretch fabric. The parka is also lightly insulated with Bio Primaloft.From icy stormy days to warm blue-sky days, the Mountain Surf Parka has the warmth and breathability to ride hard and stay dry on any day of the season.


Merk Jones Snowboards
EAN 7630463465042