Dainese Tonale D-Dry Glacier Grijs Blauw Zwart 50

Van het merk Dainese

Er zijn helaas geen Dainese Tonale D-Dry Glacier Grijs Blauw Zwart 50 aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Dainese Tonale D-Dry pants are designed to travel thousands of miles in any condition. They protect against adverse weather conditions so you can live up to your potential comfortably and safely. The innovative 15,000 mm D-Dry® XT stretch fabric is laminated and waterproof to guarantee a new level of ergonomics in the saddle, providing protection from rain and adverse weather conditions. The Tonale D-Dry® pants match the Tonale D-Dry® jacket.


Merk Dainese
EAN 8051019120380