Coal Ferris Pants bruin

Van het merk Coal

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Product omschrijving

Coal snow pants with a high content of recycled Repreve® polyesterThe Coal Ferris Pants for women offer a high 10/15K breathability and water column. Therefore, moisture doesn't stand a chance. The casual design with a shoelace belt and the modern fit is complemented by practical features such as the adjustable waistband with velcro. With each product,13 plastic bottles were recycled The Repreve® polyester content also makes the pants more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Coal used the equivalent of 13 plastic bottles of recycled polyester to make the Ferris Pants. FeaturesCoal Ferris Snow Pants for womenCasual shoelace beltMade from 40% Repreve® polyester Use of 13 plastic bottles for production


Merk Coal
EAN 9009044805139