Toy Machine Bored Sect 7.875" Complete oranje

Van het merk Toy Machine

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Product omschrijving

Perfectly matched starter set from Toy Machine Especially for beginners the Toy Machine Bored Sect 7.875" is perfectly suitable. The best materials and solid workmanship ensure unlimited skating pleasure. The casual design does the rest. Riding style The board is suitable for any terrain, whether street, park or ramp. Shape The shape of the deck is classic: the nose is slightly longer than the tail and the concave makes for a stable ride. Setup The trucks and wheels are perfectly suited to the deck. The wheels are ideal for the smooth concrete surface in the skate park or for skating in the street. The trucks are very stable and offer very good steering characteristics. The deck comes in a proven 7-ply maple wood construction. FeaturesToy Machine Bored Sect 7.875" Complete52 mm, 100A Toy Machine wheels ABEC 3 Pig bearings Ruckus 5.0 trucks Black griptape Fully assembled 


Merk Toy Machine
EAN 0827059067644