CND Vinylux Carnation Bliss Nail Varnish 15ml

Van het merk Cnd

Er zijn helaas geen CND Vinylux Carnation Bliss Nail Varnish 15ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Boasting a new 7-day formula, CND presents the Vinylux Nail Varnish in the shade ‘Carnation Bliss’. Infused with a blend of caring ingredients, this polish is formulated with Vitamin E, Keratin and Jojoba Oil to keep your nails nourished and healthy. Promising a week of chip-free wear, this polish is charged by innovative technology. Special adhesion promoters help the polish to bond with the natural nail, meaning there’s no need for a base coat. Carefully crafted, this colour won’t stain your nails and dries in an impressive 8 ½ minutes. A new, ergonomic brush ensures application is effortless, hugging the curves for a perfect finish. Enjoy chip-free, high-shine wear with this ground-breaking formula.


Merk Cnd
EAN 639370006772