Lancer Gentle Exfoliating Peel Pads (45 Pads)

Van het merk Lancer Skincare

Er zijn helaas geen Lancer Gentle Exfoliating Peel Pads (45 Pads) aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Lancer’s exfoliating pads help to gently resurface your complexion, creating a brighter illusion across your skin without causing irritation. The acid peel formula is made up of 7% Lactic Acid, one of the milder AHAs, which works to lessen the appearance of lines and targets hyperpigmentation. It also helps to combat dullness to create a more radiant look and feel. Thanks to added Bakuchiol, a plant-based alternative to retinol, the peel pads hone in on wrinkles and areas of uneven skin tone, promoting a surface that seems smoother and perfected. Papaya Fruit Extract stimulates normal turnover, maintaining a fresher look by buffing away dead skin and build-ups. Finished off with Oatmeal, the formula supports your moisture barriers to hydrate, soothe and calm your complexion. Free from sulphates, parabens, phthalates and fragrance.


Merk Lancer Skincare
EAN 0819174017505