Physicians Formula Skin Booster Vitamin Shot Brightening Brighten 30ml

Van het merk Physicians Formula

Er zijn helaas geen Physicians Formula Skin Booster Vitamin Shot Brightening Brighten 30ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

WHAT IT IS: Your daily dose of skin-boosting vitamins to prep your skin for a bright and even glow. WHY IT’S GOOD FOR YOU: Custom serum blend targets uneven skin tone and helps reduce the appearance of dark spots for brighter and more radiant-looking skin. Hydrogel encapsulated technology delivers effective results allowing you to be your own mixologist while creating a custom regimen to tackle your skin's needs! KEY INGREDIENTS: Brightening Vitamin C, Dark spot reducing Licorice, and Complexion improving Vitamin B3.


Merk Physicians Formula
EAN 044386120433