Physicians Formula Organic Wear Nutrient Mist Facial Spray Nutrient Mist

Van het merk Physicians Formula

Er zijn helaas geen Physicians Formula Organic Wear Nutrient Mist Facial Spray Nutrient Mist aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

A multitasking moisturizing, hydrating, and nutrient-charged facial spray that keeps your skin moist and supple delivering a youthful glow. why it’s good for you: infused with a unique botanical floral blend to tone, balance, and prep skin to efficaciously receive moisturizers and available nutrients in serums, oils, balms and creams. botanical hyaluronic acid, known for its unique ability to hold in moisture, plumps skin for ultimate hydration. key ingredients: botanical floral blend (rosehip, cactus flower, geranium, ylang ylang) natural marula oil botanical hyaluronic acid organic jojoba oil organic ginger root extract organic aloe vera .


Merk Physicians Formula
EAN 044386116542