Nagels inc. Sweet Nail Candy Quad

Van het merk Nails Inc

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Product omschrijving

Discover a merry manicure this Christmas with the nails inc. Sweet Nail Candy Quad. Featuring four, festive shades, each polish is subtly fragranced with a revitalising peppermint scent. The nails inc. patented, wide hugging brush works with the shape of the nail to help minimise the number of strokes required. Boasting a breathable formula, the quad is the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one this festive season. Cruelty-free. Set Contents Noel Street 14ml A festive red shade. Peppermint Place 14ml A dark red shade. Sugar House Lane 14ml A pale pink shade. Treat Street 14ml A neon pink shade.


Merk Nails Inc
EAN 843060133475