Murdock London Redchurch Street Set

Van het merk Murdock London

Er zijn helaas geen Murdock London Redchurch Street Set aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Inspired by the birthplace of the strong beard in London’s Shoreditch, the Murdock London Redchurch Street Set includes four essentials to help keep your beard and hair looking good. Set Contents Beard Moisturiser 150ml Soften your facial hair with this multi-tasking moisturiser. Seeking to promote a healthy appearance to the beard, the formula additionally works to nourish the skin beneath, helping to calm irritation or redness. Hair Play 50g This light, creamy putty seeks to hold your tresses in place, while still allowing for natural movement. Helping to provide a healthy sheen to the hair, the putty is ideal for medium to long hair. Beard Oil 50ml Promoting a shiny, healthy finish to the beard, the formula is enriched with a 100% natural blend of nutritious oils that work to prevent the hair from becoming dry. Beard Shampoo 250ml Boasting a pH balanced, sulphate-free formula, the shampoo helps to keep the beard soft and healthy, while working to keep the hair’s natural oils. How To Beard Guide Achieve your best beard with the help of this How To Beard Guide, a manual full of tips from barbers.


Merk Murdock London
EAN 5060282795259