EcoTools Jade Roller Duo

Van het merk Ecotools

Er zijn helaas geen EcoTools Jade Roller Duo aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Experience the ultimate spa-experience from the comfort of your own home, with the EcoTools Jade Roller Duo. Perfect for people prone to puffiness, as the smooth, refreshing stones work to help you unwind after a challenging day. Crafted from 100% pure Jade, the luxurious tools work to minimise the appearance of redness. The Set Contains: Jade Roller Allow the cool Jade Roller to replenish the look of stressed-out skin. Versatile and easy to use, the roller is perfect for people with recurring eye bags and dark circles, soothing the skin to encourage the ideal base for serum and moisturiser. Running under a warm tap allows the jade roller to assist with opening your pores, making it a rejuvenating new addition to your skincare routine. Under Eye Roller Allow the eye-roller to promote the illusion of a great night’s sleep. Smooth and sleek, the under-eye roller helps to encourage the appearance of brightness, allowing the roller to be an exquisite gift for any crystal lover.


Merk Ecotools
EAN 079625075144