Revlon Ultra HD Naked Matte Lipstick (Various Shades) - Bare Down

Van het merk Revlon

Er zijn helaas geen Revlon Ultra HD Naked Matte Lipstick (Various Shades) - Bare Down aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Find your perfect nude with this collection of barely-there shades from Revlon. The Ultra HD Naked Matte Lipstick comes in a selection of light to deep colours with warm to cool undertones to cover all skin tones. Look at the veins in your wrist to determine your undertones. An olive or greenish tinge indicates warm, and bluish-purple means you have cool undertones. The wax-free, gel-textured lipstick swipes colour over your lips smoothly and evenly, delivering a comfortable, full coverage veil with a demi-matte finish that won’t flake or crumble.


Merk Revlon
EAN 309970157067