Shiseido Brow InkTrio Refill - 02

Van het merk Shiseido

Er zijn helaas geen Shiseido Brow InkTrio Refill - 02 aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Define and shape brows with the Shiseido Brow InkTrio Refill. This retractable refill pencil offers a natural brow look, working to create precise hair-like strokes. Arriving in several neutral shades that suit every hair and skin tone, the pencil is formulated using multidimensional pigments and ester oil to promote a healthy sheen with superior glide. Natural waxes provide the pencil with structure offering extreme precision and control. 02 is a taupe shade. This refill is to replace the Brow Inktrio pencil only (not powder).


Merk Shiseido
EAN 729238171725