Green People Age Defy+ 24 Hour Brightening Cream (30ml)

Van het merk Green People

Er zijn helaas geen Green People Age Defy+ 24 Hour Brightening Cream (30ml) aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Experience a brighter, younger looking complexion with Green People's Age Defy+ 24 Hour Brightening Cream, an active-infused moisturiser that works to hydrate skin whilst reducing signs of ageing. Harnessing the powers of thirty-three youth-inspiring actives, including Pineapple, Beech Bud and Cucumber, the moisturiser delivers a veil of hydration whilst targeting pigmentation and age spots. Its age-defying formula increases moisture levels and cell metabolism to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles whilst brightening the skin. Skin looks energised with a more even, radiant and youthful appearance. Infused with an organic aroma. - K.N. Free from sodium lauryl/laureth sulphate, parabens, alcohol and all other unnecessary synthetic additives.


Merk Green People
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