Löwengrip Durable Dust Hair Spray 250ml

Van het merk Loewengrip

Er zijn helaas geen Löwengrip Durable Dust Hair Spray 250ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Keep your style in place all day with the Löwengrip Durable Dust Hair Spray. The hair spray provides a lustrous glossy finish without weighing down the hair to create long-lasting definition. The styling spray creates a protective shield over the hair to protect it from environmental aggressors such as wind, humidity and UV rays. Suitable for all hair types, the spray is enriched with Peach Flower Extract to moisturise the hair while defending against oxidative damage. Sunflower Seed Extract provides added nourishment and helps to protect from UV rays while Provitamin B5 creates body and volume. Free from the traditional unpleasant smell associated with hairspray, the Durable Dust spray is scented with a tender Honey and Oat Milk fragrance with notes of Vanilla, Musk and Almond.


Merk Loewengrip
EAN 7350073862641