Nuura Liila Large Wall/Ceiling Lamp Opal

Van het merk Nuura

Er zijn helaas geen Nuura Liila Large Wall/Ceiling Lamp Opal aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Design: Sofie Refer for Nuura, 2018Concept: Nuura Liila 1 Wall Lamp Optic is an extremely elegant wall lamp that gives off a calm and pleasant light. Nuura Liila is made of mouth-blown glass and has a back plate in metal. The glass and metal contrast beautifully and gives the lamp a clean and high-end look. The glass shade gives great diffusion of light, which gives a pleasant feel to the room in which the lamp hangs. The Nuura Liila 1 wall lamp will look amazing in the hallway or powder room. In addition to this, the lamp is great for low ceiling spaces, like a hallway or staircase, where the lamp will give a nice useable light, without taking up too much space. The Liila lamp series comes in the following versions: Liila 1 Wall Lamp Opal, Liila 1 Wall Lamp Optic, and Liila 12 Wall/Ceiling Lamp. For more inspiration go to:


Merk Nuura
EAN 5713839001586