Montane Sabre Short Sleeve Running T-Shirt - Hardloopshirts (korte mouwen)

Van het merk Montane

Er zijn helaas geen Montane Sabre Short Sleeve Running T-Shirt - Hardloopshirts (korte mouwen) aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Stylish, functional and offering a great fit, the Montane Sabre Short Sleeve Running T-Shirt is lightweight and breathable and quickly wicks moisture so you stay dry while POLYGIENE® fabric keeps you fresh and free from odour. Low profile stitching eliminates irritation as you move while UPF 15+ provides protection from the sun and 360 degree VIA Trail Series® reflective details keeps you visible in low light.


Merk Montane
EAN 5056237075620