Nukeproof Horizon SL CrMo Rail - Zadels

Van het merk Nukeproof

Er zijn helaas geen Nukeproof Horizon SL CrMo Rail - Zadels aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Developed in conjunction with the Nukeproof downhill (DH) and enduro pro riders, this mountain bike (MTB) saddle features an ergonomic design that uses a combination of different densities of super-light foam to offer maximum comfort without increasing weight. Another highlight is its curved rear section that's designed to hold you in an optimised pedalling position on long climbs and to provide more tyre clearance for longer travel bikes. It has been finished with a durable vacuum-formed water repellent microfibre cover so that even on wet days it will be comfortable.   Manufacturer's Part Number: 80194500020


Merk Nukeproof
EAN 5056389517511