Nukeproof Horizon Plastic Sideload Bottle Cage - Bidonhouders

Van het merk Nukeproof

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Product omschrijving

With a construction that's produced from a durable plastic polyamide with a high friction finish, this bottle cage offers a secure fit as well as resistance against impacts. Nukeproof has also equipped this model with a sideload shape that provides more room for bikes with a bottle position close to a top tube, shock or linkages. Universal Bottle Cage Nukeproof has ensured that this cage will fit all Nukeproof model bikes as well as being universal to suit other bike brands. Another highlight is the cage's removable mounting tab that can be placed at either end, so it can then be flipped to allow for access from the left or right. This allows for more fitting options for it to suit more bikes and your preference.  


Merk Nukeproof
EAN 5056389550914