Castelli Free Speed 2 Race Tri Top - Triatlontops

Van het merk Castelli

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Product omschrijving

The aerodynamic speed of the Castelli Free Speed 2 Race Tri Top is unmatched. It's what Castelli does best. They have a year-round testing and development program with the Norwegian Technical University in Trondheim to make their race gear the slickest around. The comfort is what comes from their expert pattern engineers and soft performance Italian fabrics. Reduce the number of seams so that there is less chafing and less to bother you when you should be concentrating on pounding out the run. Managing to block 94% of UV rays with back Velocity mesh fabric that doesn't compromise speed, comfort or breathability. You may want to add some sunscreen, but this fabric provides UPF 16 protection, which is a significant help. Your cotton T-shirt is probably UPF 8. Take note of the well-thought-out details: Castelli's generous two pockets lie flat but hold a lot of gear and nutrition. The SnapLock fasteners clip to Castelli shorts to prevent the top from riding up during the swim or bike.


Merk Castelli
EAN 8050949079843