Salomon Advanced Skin 12 Set - Vesten met drinksysteem

Van het merk Salomon

Er zijn helaas geen Salomon Advanced Skin 12 Set - Vesten met drinksysteem aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The top choice for demanding endurance runners, the Salomon Advanced Skin 12 Set Hydration Vest offers endless personalisation in both fit and function. An updated Sensifit and closure system make this pack even more comfortable for your unique body shape, offering a stable and adjustable fit with optimum freedom of movement. Multiple storage pockets also provide easy access to all of your trail essentials, and two 500ml Salomon flasks (included) let you quench your thirst even when you up the pace. Plus, it is compatible with a hydration 1.5I bladder and is finished with pole holder solutions, a whistle and a reflective loop for a lamp for safety in low-lit environments.


Merk Salomon
EAN 193128852801