Endura Hummvee Plus MIPS Helmet - Helmen

Van het merk Endura

Er zijn helaas geen Endura Hummvee Plus MIPS Helmet - Helmen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Wherever you find yourself cycling, the Hummvee Plus MIPS Helmet makes sure you enjoy comfort on the bike and an extra level of head protection should you be unfortunate enough to hit your head. This head protection comes firstly via the in-mould construction. The heart of this engineered solution is a shock-absorbing foam core. In the event of head impact, this soaks up and dissipates forces that can otherwise cause a head injury.  MIPS (Multi-directional Impact Protection System) The FS260-Pro also makes use of MIPS technology. This gives an extra level of brain-protecting technology, designed to redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts.  • MIPS is a Brain Protection System • Rotational motion can cause brain injuries • The low friction layer allows a sliding movement of 10–15 mm, in all directions, reducing rotational motion to the brain during impact • MIPS adds protection Shop All MIPS Helmets Click Here


Merk Endura
EAN 5056286924337