BALR. Hexagon AOP Football

Van het merk Balr

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Product omschrijving

Kick your game up a notch with the BALR. Football. This ball is both a stylish interior accessory and a good look on the outdoor courts. The size 5 ball features a special inner ball to ensure the right air pressure is maintained longer and offers superior shape retention. The football is crafted from 32 panels and finished with a subtle all-over print LIFE OF A BALR. slogan, making this ball a true essential for any BALR. The ball comes with a ball pump. Keep the air pressure between 0.8 and 0.9 bar. The BALR. Football can be both used on the court or as a way to showcase your love for fashion and football. The white logo ensures a playful look for the all-black ball, which will definitely attract some looks when you hit the streets for a quick game of football. * Size 5 football * 32 panels * Comes with a ball pump


Merk Balr
EAN 8719777113326