Ronhill Life Tencel L/S Tee - Hardloopshirts (lange mouwen)

Van het merk Ronhill

Er zijn helaas geen Ronhill Life Tencel L/S Tee - Hardloopshirts (lange mouwen) aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Made from a blend of technical yarns and Tencel™ fabric, the Ronhill Life Tencel Long Sleeve Running Tee finds the perfect middle ground between feel and performance. The Tencel™ fabric works alongside Vapourlite technology to ensure you stay dry by quickly wicking excess moisture away from the surface of your skin, while the breathable knit construction allows air to circulate and keep you cool during a workout. This comfortable and versatile running top is a great addition to your running wardrobe and reflective details keep you visible in low lighting conditions.


Merk Ronhill
EAN 5051508564698