Endura Kid's MT500Jr Long Sleeve Cycling Jersey - Fietstruien

Van het merk Endura

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Product omschrijving

How much fun is summer mountain biking? A whole lot, what with the fast, dry trails and longer, lighter evenings. But it can get sweaty. And that’s where the lightweight Kid's MT500Jr Long Sleeve Cycling Jersey Quick-wicking mesh body fabric makes sure young MTBers enjoy airflow to the body and means sweat doesn’t hang around too long either. Laser-cut perforations through both the body and sleeves also promote better air circulation, speeding up sweat evaporation. It’s a jersey made to keep them cooler when the heat is on. Neither too loose nor too baggy, the MT500JR Lite strikes just the right balance of easy mobility and a flap-free fit. There’s enough space for slim line padding too, just right for when your young mountain biker begins to take on more challenging mountain bike trails.


Merk Endura
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